Give Me 30 Days &
Your Life Will Change Forever!
My name is Bob Thomson and I want
to thank you for taking the time
to visit my fitness and personal
training website.
Whether you realize it or not, you now have
within your grasp the most life-changing strategies
and secrets for burning fat and toning muscle
– information you won’t find in 95% of the diet,
fat loss and fitness programs on the market.
What would you think if I told
you I've discovered a way to quickly
transform your body, your health
and your life to new heights?
What if I could show you a simple
way to live a healthier, more satisfying
life in spite of today’s hectic,
demanding world — a life with
more energy and excitement, more
zest and zeal...
A life with less stress and worry,
more confidence and peace of mind.
And, a life with more passion and
fun than you’ve probably had in
a very long time.
I know what you may be thinking…
“I already live pretty well
and I’m happy with my life.”
Let Me Make a Bold Statement
About You Right Now. . .
Your current health and fitness
level is probably not what it should
be to enjoy the quality of life
I’m talking about...
I’m talking about life with a 7-day-a-week
enthusiasm and bliss that only come
with a confident, rejuvenated mind
and body, full of energy and vitality.
It’s hard to have a bad day when
you’re at your peak — both
physically and mentally. You feel
incredible... unstoppable.
With the kind of health and vitality
I’m talking about, the dizzying
chaos of life dissolves, leaving
you completely unfazed. All your
worldly problems and worries just
melt away…
With your permission, I want to
show you how to take immediate and
full control of your body, health
and vitality… today… starting right
I’m talking about your ability
to burn fat, gain muscle tone and
lose weight...your ability to fight
illness & disease… your energy…your
strength and endurance…your brain
health…and of course, your sex appeal!
You’ll once and for all transform
yourself into an ultra-sexy, super-healthy,
disease-fighting, age-defying man
or woman.
Would You Like to Halt
— Even Reverse — the Aging Process?
Do you want that youthful glow
that forces store clerks to ask
for ID when you buy a bottle of
My specialized exercise and nutrition
programs will "revitalize"
you and dramatically slow down the
aging processes in your body.
In fact, looking and feeling younger
is one of the main benefits of my
personal training and nutrition
plans. With the right fitness program
and just a few lifestyle changes,
you can slow the aging in your body
down to a turtle crawl!
If looking and feeling better and
younger appeals to you, and you're
tired of empty promises, trendy
diets and exercise programs that
have failed you — then I WANT
YOU as a personal training client
or Fit Club member!
It Has Never Been Simpler
or Faster to Get in Great Shape!
You will experience the fun and magic of my
"shortcut" weight training and nutrition
programs, which are based on the latest scientific
research on building muscle and burning fat
in the shortest amount of time possible.
My Fit Clubs and Personal Training
programs make it simple for ANYONE
to get in great shape — no matter
what your situation.
I don't care if you're 100 pounds
overweight or 10 pounds overweight
— you will experience success
if we work together to accomplish
your goals.
In fact, I'm so confident my personal
training programs will work for
you, I offer an unheard of money
back guarantee.
You have absolutely nothing to
lose except stubborn body fat and
inches off your waist!
About Your Coach & Trainer
I’ve been involved in physical
fitness for most of my life
and first turned to fitness training
during the off seasons for organized
sports — baseball, track &
I have competed nationally in physique and
fitness contests winning several awards and
honors, including 2-time Runner Up for the title
of Mr. Fitness in Atlantic City, New Jersey
— sponsored by Mens Exercise
and Exercise for Men Only magazines.
Bob Thomson
Body Transformation Expert & Coach
I’ve also fitness modeled and have several
layouts in both magazines.
Far from perfect, I’ve made mistakes
over the years. Several times in
my life I backslid… I got depressed…
I gained weight. I once gained 50
lbs and weighed 223 at my peak!
I got most of it from gorging on
my girlfriend’s Mom’s cooking -
she was the classic Italian cooking
Mother, need I say more?
Those days are over for good because
I've finally discovered a fun, new
way to exercise and a fun, new way
to eat — both of which DO
NOT make me miserable or ruin my
I can eat delicious foods again like milk,
cheese, carbs, full-fat peanut butter and eggs!
I even drink 1 - 2 glasses of wine or beer when
I feel like it. And, I get to indulge in one
or two "guilty pleasure" meals every
week without worrying about getting fat!
How many "diets" let
you do that? (Answer: NONE!!)
Yet my body fat percentage is a
measly 6.5%... and my six-pack abs
have never looked better. In fact,
the abs you see on the home page
are mine!
Not bad,huh? Unlike some personal trainers, I walk my talk and use my own body
as proof that my programs work.
I can show you my secrets and shortcuts
so you can experience total success
with your body too, whatever your
goals and desires are.
My 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Offer
to You
Give me 30 days to show you,
step-by-step, my special methods
and strategies for burning fat and
gaining muscle tone.
If you're not completely satisfied or convinced
that my personal training programs will change
your life for the better, you can drop out after
30 days with no hard feelings and without further
obligation! That's can cancel your agreement.
How many other personal trainers
have that kind of confidence in
their programs?
Call me at (845) 223-8168
Now for a FREE Initial Consultation.
Hurry, my client book fills
up fast! Act now while you still
have a chance to work with a nationally
recognized fitness expert!