Personal Training
fat loss, muscle building & muscle
toning programs for men and women
in Westchester & Dutchess County,
New York & Fairfield County Connecticut.
1) Onsite Personal Training
If you live in Westchester, Putnam
or Dutchess County, NY or Fairfield
County, CT I will travel to your home,
business or gym to work with you 1-on-1.
(845) 223-8168 for details!
2) Online Training Programs
For trainees that live outside of
my onsite training coverage areas,
or whose schedules won't permit
onsite training with me, I have
an online training program where
you and I can work together to achieve
your goals.
Online training is the fastest
growing segment of the entire fitness
Online training programs consist
of email consulting, daily workout
plans, workout videos, workout logs,
follow up and review, Q&A, meal
plans & grocery lists —
all in a web-based training and
support platform.
There are over 1000 exercises
and stretches with full motion,
live-person video demo's.
Each exercise goes through a vigorous
review process, ensuring proper
bio-mechanics and providing written
instructions on how to perform it.
This is a very fun and cost-efective
way to work with me.
(845) 223-8168 for details!

Clubs are the perfect solution
for men & women on a limited
training budget or for folks
who live outside of my geographical
area who want specialized coaching.
Fit clubs consist of weekly
teleseminars with Q&A, email
consulting, nutrition tips and
exercise guidance specific to
each club's objectives.
Club membership includes use
of my web-based training and
support platform.
Bob Thomson's
Abs Secrets
Inner Circle
Total Body Makeover
(845) 223-8168 for details!

you are an emotional eater? Do you
make poor food choices? Do you binge?
Do you find yourself eating to escape
stress, eating out of boredom, eating
to celebrate, eating because you "deserve"
it, or just to change your mood?
Are you a yo-yo dieter looking
for the next great weight loss scheme
to give you more control over your
weight and body?
Many people use food and dieting
as a way of coping with stress and
Unfortunately this kind of coping
whips you back and forth between
feeling good and bad.
There are better ways to to feel
good about yourself and about your
I should know, I was an emotional
eater for years until I discovered
a simple way to stop the insanity.
My lifestyle coaching program will
show you how to take healthy control
over your eating habits, your mind
and your emotions, allowing you
to lose weight and improve your
health, fitness and self-confidence
like never before.
(845) 223-8168 for details!