Online Personal Trainer 
7 Good Reasons
to Use One
Over the last few
years you have probably heard a
lot about people using Online personal
trainers to achieve their health
and fitness goals. And with good
Online personal training
is one of the fastest-growing segments
of the fitness industry. It's an
effective way for clients to get
the professional guidance, motivation
and accountability of onsite personal
training without the associated
high cost and scheduling hassles.
This new mode of personal training
was born out of two major client
needs: one — convenience; and
two — cost savings.
Here are 7 good reasons for using
an Online personal trainer:
Reason #1 for Using an
Online Personal Trainer: Time
Independence - Workout Anytime You
Want on Scheduled Workout Days
One of the main benefits of using
an Online personal trainer is having
the ability to workout whenever
you want. Since you are not meeting
with your personal trainer in person,
you can perform your workout anytime
on your scheduled workout days.
This solves a common problem of
having to pick time slots that fit
both you and your trainer's busy
Reason #2 for Using an
Online Personal Trainer:
Geography Independence
- Workout Wherever You Want
When a trainee uses an Online personal
trainer, he or she can workout wherever
they want... the gym, at home or
even on the road. It really doesn't
matter. You simply login to your
training account, view and print
your workout and do the exercises.
After your workout you can log back
in and report your results. This
provides an important feedback loop
between trainer and trainee.
Reason #3 for Using an
Online Personal Trainer:
Big Cost Savings - Especially
Important in a Down Economy
According to the 2008 IDEA Personal
Training Survey, the average price
tag for one-on-one personal training
is $58 per hour. Unfortunately most
people cannot afford one on one
personal training regardless of
the state of the economy. However,
at an estimated average of $67 per
month nearly everyone can afford
Online personal training, even in
a recession. The real value of an
Online personal trainer is that
he or she provides nearly the same
benefits of one on one personal
training, but at a significant cost
savings. It also eliminates the
procrastinator's biggest excuse:
"I can't afford a personal
Reason #4 for Using an
Online Personal Trainer: Accountability
The vast majority of people who
want to lose weight or get fit need
a coach to hold them accountable
for "showing up" and for
performing workouts correctly on
a consistent basis. This is extremely
important. Clients are far more
likely to stick with an exercise
program and ultimately achieve their
goals when they have to answer to
someone other than themselves.
Reason #5 for Using an
Online Personal Trainer: Most
Trainees Won't Push Themselves Hard
Enough to Make Regular Progress
I can't tell you how many times
I've heard clients tell me they
won't do weight workouts or cardio
interval training because they don't
like the feeling of pushing themselves
hard. Each time I have to hide my
smile. You see, that's what a good
personal trainer does. He or she
pushes you out of your exercise
comfort zone so you can improve
yourself. It's human nature to want
to do as little as possible to get
by. However, a good personal trainer
will push a trainee to new heights
of health and fitness. Of course
this is important whether you use
an Online personal trainer or an
onsite trainer.
Reason #6 for Using an
Online Personal Trainer: Some
People Feel Embarrassed or Intimidated
by One-on-One Training
Some folks are just too proud or
embarrassed to let someone else
see how out of shape they are. They
are fearful of being stared at or
are otherwise intimidated by the
in shape crowd. Online personal
training solves these problems by
providing a greater level of privacy,
allowing clients to work at their
own pace and in their environmental
comfort zone (e.g. working out at
home instead of a gym).
Reason #7 for Using an
Online Personal Trainer: Overall
Professional guidance, the convenience
of working out wherever you want,
whenever, at a fraction of the cost
of onsite training — all add
up to an overall value that can't
be beaten. Dollar for dollar, the
benefits of using an Online personal
trainer far outweigh the cost. You
get nearly all the benefits and
tools for success you normally get
with one-on-one, in-person training.
Don't underestimate the power, simplicity
and amazing results that can be
achieved with this fun, effective
new way to train.
Are you tired of exercise programs
that simply aren't delivering results?
Call or email me today and I'll
help you bust the myths, discover
the truth, and create a fitness
and fat loss program that will give
you the body you deserve.