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Personal Training
Is About Results!

You don't visit a fitness website to learn every
nitty-gritty detail and nuance about the
programs, routines and exercises.

You visited this website because you want
impressive results — and you want them fast.

* Losing Body Fat & Cellulite

* Gaining Muscle Tone

* Looking Younger

* Feeling Confident

* Boosting Energy & Vitality

* Increasing Your Sex Appeal

* Improving Health & Fitness

* and much more. . .

If you're looking for the next fitness fad to hop
onto or the next "magic pill" to take, then my
personal training, fitness and nutrition programs
are not for you.

If however, you are comitted to making a real
change in your life and want to work with a
trainer who has a reputation for getting fast,
long term results then please contact me.

Life Changing

Health & Fitness!

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Straight Line Fitness Newsletter

(a $179 value - Your's Free!)

 • Tips on managing Stress
 • Ways to stay motivated
 • The benefits of resistance training
 • How to "rev up" your metabolism
 • Learn why “conventional” diets fail
 • How to target stubborn fat areas
 • Healthy and tasty recipes
 • What muscle soreness really means
 • Learn how exercise affects your mood
 • How to choose the right health club
 • Weight loss and diet myths revealed
 • Flexibility, how and when to stretch
 • How to build personal motivation
 • How to conquer procrastination



Fitness Websites

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.

Self Improvement from - is the most complete guide to information about Self Improvement on the Internet.

Exercise Balls and Bands for Fitness - Your one stop shopping place for all you need to get fit with exercise balls and exercise bands.

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